~Tableau Vivant~ New At Collabor88

Hello everyone!

Another round of Collabor88 has started and Tableau Vivant is excited to bring you a new release.

Chin length, parted to the side, tucked behind one ear and sassy.

Sherilyn hair is mesh non rigged therefore can be repositioned and resized, either manually or via XYZ resizer (click to activate menu).

It’s offered in our classic tints and in our new special line ‘Frizzy Chic’.


Each pack contains:
– 1 unrigged mesh hair;
– 1 HUD with 30 tint options ( classic line) or 15 tint options ( frizzy chic line).
For undelivered Tableau Vivant purchases please visit our redelivery terminal in Main Store.

Respectfully yours,
~ Tableau Vivant~ Management


~Tableau Vivant~ is also available on the following platforms:

Website: https://tableauvivantsl.wordpress.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TableauVivant
FlickR: http://www.flickr.com/photos/tableauvivant_sl/
FlickR group: http://www.flickr.com/groups/tableauvivant_sl/