Tableau Vivant New Releases

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,

it’s been a full and eventful year, we hope it’s been a great one for you all and we wish that 2017 will be even better!

We’re introducing you our latest releases for 2016 starting with Kustom 9 where we introduce two new hairstyles, Missy and Miss B.


Missy and Miss B. are a casual voluminous braided hairstyle available in two versions, Miss B. with a cozy woolen cap and Missy, without the cap.

Missy and Miss B. are rigged hairstles available in small and large sizes, and are available in our standard 11 colors huds.

Tp to Kustom 9!


Tableau Vivant is back @ The Fantasy Collective for a collaboration with Glam Affair: Dark & Light


Dark and Light is a gacha concept played around two charachters, the dark male and the light female.

The gacha is made of 14 items which include skin appliers for both characters (for LeLutka’s Simone and for TMP), light and dark horns, dark and light stages (the rare prizes), dark and light skirts and Tempest hairs.

Tp to The Fantasy Collective to collect all the items!

Tableau Vivant’s Early December Releases

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,

It’s the most fetive month of the year and Tableau Vivant is ready with many new releases!

We’re proud to be part of this year’s Tannenbaum Xmas market with our “Baum” hairstyle.


A long and wavy hairstyle complete with a warm and cozy beanie that comes with an 8 textures changing hud. The beanie color can also be changed via color picker.

Baum is available in our standard 11 colors huds and each color pack contains:
– 2 rigged mesh hair [S] – [L] ;
– 1 HUD with 32 tint options;
– 1 beanie HUD with 8 textures.

Tp to Tannenbaum!

We’re also back for December’s fantastic round at The Arcade Gacha; the Christmas round is always soecial and we try to go out of our way to give you, our beloved customers, our very best in creativity and variety.


There are three hairstyles to be won at our Gacha machine, we keep on following our project of “every day” hairstyles. This round we’re presenting three moments of the holiday period: “afternoon”, “evening”, and “with my pet”.

“evening” and “my pet” are non rigged and can be repositioned and resized, while “afternoon” being rigged cannot be resized or repositioned.

There’s 22 commons and three rares to win, while the player reward is a festive chinchilla which can be either worn on the head or rezzed as decor.

Come find us at The Arcade Gacha!

And last but definitely not least, for all the Gentlemen out there we are introducing our applier for the Signature Mesh Body at the Signature event.


Tableau Vivan’ts Signature Body Applier is available in our 10 standard skintones.

Find it at Signature!