Tableau Vivant @ The Arcade Gacha & Collabor 88

September is here again and a new round of The Arcade Gacha has just begun and now that the simps are not so impenetrable it is the right time to check out Tableau Vivant’s release!

My Day Hair is a gacha containing 4 cute “everyday” themed hairstyles, there’s Gym, a soft ponytail, Work, a stylish updo, Shopping, a sleek medium-lenght hair and Home, a relaxed and cute updo which is also the rare item in this machine.


Home and Work hairstyles are not rigged so you can move them as you like and resize them, while Gym and Shopping are rigged.

There’s 27 comons + 3 rares to be won so what are you waiting for? TP to The Arcade Gacha!

It mught be a bit more difficult (but not impossible!) to get in Collabor88 to get our new release, Berta a lovely sideswept long hairstyle.


Gorgeously flowing on one shoulder, Berta is a long rigged hairstle available in two sizes, small and large and is available in our standard 11 huds.

TP to Collabor88!